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Fortified Estimate Management

EEJIS manages and processes insurance estimates for general contractors.
On average, our clients see a 30-50% increase in overall estimate value.

Why Use EEJIS?

  • EEJIS is fully responsive, accessible from any device.
  • EEJIS is fully responsive, accessible from any device.
  • EEJIS is fully responsive, accessible from any device.
  • EEJIS is fully responsive, accessible from any device.

Improve Estimates

After a storm situation, about 1 in every 3 estimates is under-valued by insurance adjusters, and most contractors are forced to complete work for these undervalued amounts because they don't have the time to process. EEJIS brings you a team trained in strategies to quickly identify all property damage, especially damage that insurance adjusters commonly miss, and make sure it's paid for. EEJIS ensures that all of your customers get all the money owed to them.

Save Time

Once you’re at the damaged property, all you have to do is send EEJIS some quick information about the policy holder, and our employees will do the rest. We assess the damage in the field, write the estimate, send it to the carrier, process the estimate on your behalf, and let you know once it’s approved. Not only will you earn more, but you will do about 40% less work per estimate, giving you more time to make sales and better serve your existing clients.


Our online estimate management system allows you to track the progress of each estimate as well oversee your project managers. No more guessing where you are in the claims process. Know exactly where you are, and plan where you're going.

How It Works

1 You submit your estimates

Once you have gone to the estimate site and spoken with the policyholder, you use the EEJIS portal to send a small amount of estimate information to us. From here, EEJIS will handle the estimate until it is approved by the carrier.

2 We scope the damage

EEJIS field inspectors, many of whom are independent insurance adjusters, come to each estimate site and use our proven scoping strategies to maximize estimate value. They then send the estimate back through the system to our back office.

3 We write your estimates

EEJIS uses your notes to prepare comprehensive, organized estimates that are in line with insurance industry standards, which reduces the amount of time it takes for you to get payment for your estimates.

4 We file your estimates

Once the estimates are prepared, EEJIS sends in the estimates to the insurance company, making sure to include everything when filing to once again reduce processing times.

5 You get the approved amount

If there's a problem, EEJIS will process the estimate on your behalf. The only call you should receive from us is one telling you the amount for which your estimate was approved.

Want to work with us?

Send us a message, and we'll be in touch to help get your team started.


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